Monday, May 16, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011




Program with importance of spaces: The model depicts the major areas of the house. The squared box at the top represents the Master Room, which is seen as the 'over looker' of the house. It can be called the control room of the house, as it over looks to protect the kids house but is also situated at a position where it is so critical to the privacy of certain areas of the house. The childrens bedroom, which the main outer wall is represented by smaller colomns because this room is the most private area of the house. It is overlooked by the master room, but it is also protected with the numerous surrounding walls. I tried to represent the room as it is in a small cage that is protected by other over whelming elements of the house. The other elevated material of the house represents the public space of the house


I tried to demonstrate how the circulation works in this building by using a continious proportional circular shape that surroundes the most prominant part of the building that structures the path of the circulation around the house (the courtyard function). The circle in the centre represents the path a person would take to get from one side to the other of the house. Ive also distored the line of the shape to represent the sub paths taken by a visitor. With so many smaller walls sitting in different orientations, the circulation becomes some what 'lost' other then the main circulation (circle) which is why i dashed the line in the more private part of the house. Also, the shading within the shape shows the more public circulation (lighter part) compared to the private circulation (darker side). Th red lines represent the circulation path from the main structural element of the building.

Internal / External Relations:

Distinguished by the textural surface used, the internal space is structured according to the more prominant courtyard formation. The program of the building is designed according to the organisational relationship between the internal and external spaces. So, the most private area of the house (the kids bedroom) is covered with green lines to represent the enclosure the room is in as both the internal walls and the exterior larger walls work together to attach a secluded, confidential area. The yellow lines represent how the external space has provided a significant description from within the house to display certain views from within the house